Hello Everyone :)
I have been wanting to create a blog for ages to show my ideas and show people what Im up to all the time.
New Year, New Beginning's
Last year I finished college at Leicester College ND in Photography, I loved every minute of it, learned so much and met some fierce people. I came out with DDD and went on to start my photography business full time. I found it difficult to get enough money to save for traveling
Im Going to Thailand, Vietnam, Bangkok and America very excite!
Can't wait to start taking photo's of the beautiful scenery, Im going to
focus Social Documentary photography as well try and capture the
culture of the places. I shall also do Landscape shots, possibly 360 images.

I Started working at block buster last year stopped now because the contract ran out (thanks for letting me know) I enjoyed working there (only part time because I was getting photography jobs as well) learnt how to control myself around difficult people which is always a good life skill. I also learnt I really don't know much about films, I thought I did but turns out...nope! Oli's teaching me more, but i refuse to watch horror. Alala

<3 My Twin Left on tour with an Acting company for 8 months Im so proud of her but gunna miss her too much! She was always the Mary Kate Loud one me the Ashley, she was the Tamera and I was the Tia :P I have no idea how Im gunna cope without her, Im gunna be visiting her lots and lots!!! Atleast this gives me a taste of life being just me... which is a lil scary.